Stephens' Story
My name is Stephen Gilmore. During my life I have been incarcerated in prison four times. My last bid I was down 8 years, I was 40 at the time and it was the first time I made a choice to become sober. One of the first things I did was surrender my life to Christ. Once I made that decision, miracles started to happening in my life. My relationship with my mother was restored. God placed it on the heart of many mentors to enter my life and through that I was able to push through those long eight years. Looking forward to being released I needed transitional housing, so I started writing places and praying over them. I was accepted at CARE Tallahassee with no doubt it was through Gods orchestration. Once at CARE I was welcome with open arms by everyone and made to feel human again. I have been
at CARE for over a year now and have successfully transitioned back into society. I have a job I enjoy, I have good credit, and I just got a new truck, I have healthy relationships with my family and friends. But most importantly I stay in the Word and keep a Christ centered life. CARE Tallahassee provides a Christ friendly environment that supports individuals in such a way that really gives them a chance to have a wonderful life after incarceration. I am truly grateful to be here to have an opportunity for Life after death.